5 more reasons for STOP USING IE6....你他XX的不要再用IE6拉....
5 more reasons for STOP USING IE6....你他XX的不要再用IE6拉....
1. Your security and your company’s security are at risk - 你和公司都很危險...
2. World governments are suggesting you switch browsers - 世界各政府都叫你不要用了...
3. Even Microsoft wants you to drop IE6 - 連始作俑者微軟都跟你說他們不再幫IE6硬起來了...
4. Not wanting to upgrade from Windows XP isn’t a legitimate excuse anymore
5. This will not be the last massive IE6 security breach - 老師跟你說了~不聽!!不聽!!不聽...被駭了, 怪自己笨吧...