2012年5月6日 星期日


轉自 創新與引導 Innovation and Facilitation 這應該是 夾先生的龜毛之道吧~ ------------------------------------------------------- The 10 Commandments of Steve Jobs 美國新聞週刊彙整了賈伯斯 (Steve Jobs) 創意管理的十大準則,其稱之為「十誡」(10 Commandments),國內的聯合報也有相關報導,不論寫的有多唬爛,還是一起來看看吧: 1. 追求完美 (Go for Perfect) Jobs sweats the details. The night before the first iPod launched, the Apple staff stayed up all night replacing headphone jacks because Jobs didn’t think they were "clicky" enough. 賈伯斯非常注重細節,在推出第一台 iPod 的前一晚,蘋果員工徹夜加班更換耳機插頭,只是因為賈伯斯認為用起來不夠「順暢」。 2. 指定專家 (Tap the experts) Jobs hired architect I. M. Pei to design the NeXT logo and recruited the Gap’s Mickey Drexler to Apple’s board before launching the company’s retail chain. 賈伯斯請貝聿銘設計 NeXT 的 logo;在建立蘋果的零售通路之前,賈伯斯找來 Gap 的CEO Drexler 擔任蘋果董事。 3. 冷酷無情 (Be ruthless) Jobs is as proud of the products he has killed as of the ones he has released. He worked hard on a Palm Pilot clone, only to kill it when he realized cell phones would eclipse PDAs. That feed up his engineers to develop the iPod. 成功推出一項產品和成功砍掉一項產品,對賈伯斯來說都引以為榮。他曾經與 Palm 合作 Pilot,一款類似 PDA 的產品,但是,當賈伯斯意識到 PDA 將會被手機取代後,立刻喊停,並著手開始 iPod 的研發。 4. 拒絕市調 (Shun focus groups) Jobs famously said, "People don’t know what they want untill you show it to them." So he acts as a one-man focus group, taking prototype products home and testing them for months. 賈伯斯的名言之一:「人們不知道自己要要什麼,唯有你把東西放放在他們面前時,他們才知道。」所以他自己就扮演「焦點團體」,親自測試產品原型達數個月之久。 5. 不斷學習 (Never stop studying) When desining early brochures for Apple, he pored over Sony’s use of fonts, layout, and the weight of the paper. Working on the case for the first Mac, he wandered around Apple’s parking lot studying the bodywork of German and Italian cars. 早期當賈伯斯要設計蘋果的文宣傳時,曾研究 Sony 文宣的字體、排版與紙張的重量。設計第一部麥金塔電腦時,賈伯斯到蘋果公司的停車場去研究德國和義大利汽車的車子。 6. 化繁為簡 (Simplify) Jobs’s design philosophy is one of constant simplification. He ordered the iPod’s designers to lose all the buttons on early protypes, includeing the on/off button. The designers complained, then developed the iconic scroll wheel instead. 不斷簡化是賈伯斯的設計哲學。他下令 iPod 設計團隊拿掉原型機上全部的按鈕,甚至連開關鍵都不要。設計師抱怨連連,但最後還是開發出轉盤式的設計。 7. 保密防諜 (Keep your secrets) Nobody at Apple talks. Everything is on a need-to-know basis, with the company divided into discrete cells. The secrecy allows Jobs to generate frenzied interest for his surprise product demonstrations, and the resulting headlines ensure lines around the block. 蘋果內部每個人的所知都僅限於份內須知的部分,高度保密讓賈伯斯能夠盡情發展出驚天動地的商品,且不怕消息走漏。 8. 精簡組織 (Keep teams small) The original Macintosh team was 100 people; no more, no less. If 1 101st person was hired, someone was diteched to make room. Jobs was convinced he could remember the first names of only 100 people. 麥金塔電腦的原始團隊正好一百人,不多不少。如果增聘一人,那麼就表示有一人要走路。原因是,賈伯斯自認只記得住一百個人的名字。 9. 恩威並重 (Use more carrot than stick) Jobs is scary, but his charisma is his most powerful motivator. His enthusiasm was the primary reason the original Mac team worked 90-hour weeks for three years making the machine "insanely great." 賈伯斯固然令人生畏,但他的領袖魅力是最大的動力來源。賈伯斯的熱忱能夠讓麥金塔電腦團隊連續三年,每周工作 90 小時,設計出讓世人讚嘆的作品。 10. 極致原型 (Prototype to the extreme) Everything jobs does is exhaustively prototyped: the hardware, the software, even Apple’s retail stores. Architects and designers spent a year building a prototype store in a secret warehouse near Apples headquarters, only to have Jobs scrap the project and start over. 無論是軟體設計或硬體設計,甚至是零售商店,賈伯斯對原型的要求極高。建築師和設計師曾花了一年,在蘋果總部附近的秘密倉庫內蓋了一間零售店樣品屋,賈伯斯看過之後,不喜歡,他下令拆除,然後再重新開始。

